Today I went to Sabbioneta with my aunt, uncle, cousin, and her boyfriend. Sabbioneta is this little town right outside of Parma that was originally built inside these brick walls. There are still apartments inside the wall that people live in but the city has grown so much that you could find housing outside of the wall as well. We went because we knew there was going to be a market so we went to see the market. It was pretty cool, nothing too exciting but I did finally find and buy the green purse I have been searching for since I arrived in Italy. I was pretty excited. I also bought these two long sleeve shirts that I think I will really enjoy in the coming weeks with the weather warming up and whatnot. On our way home, we stopped in Colorno which has a palace of Maria Luige who also has a palace in Parma that I love. This palace is known as the little Versailles because of its resemblance to her Versailles palace. I love looking at palaces and their gardens and here, I was able to wander through the gardens and see the outside of the palace that is now used as a culinary school. I got home and then took the train and came back to Florence. Tomorrow I have to go grocery shopping as I have no food, but I love grocery shopping so I'm excited about that. I also have class tomorrow and then I have to go to the train station and buy tickets for this weekend and the following weekend, so I have a fairly busy day, but I think I'll find time to walk around too.
Oggi sono andata a Sabbioneta con i mie zii, la mia cugina, e il suo boyfriend. Sabbioneta e'una piccola citta' appena fuori Parma che era construita circondata da un muro che c'e' ancora. Dentro il muro, ci sono ancroa dei apartamenti dove ci abbita ancora de la gente ma si come la citta' cresce cosi tanto che si trovo d'abbitare anche' fuori. Siamo andati perche' sappevamo che c'era un mercato e noi lo volevamo vedere. Al mercato, ho trovato, finalmente una borsetta verde che e' da quando arrivo in Italia che la cerco. Dopo, ci siamo fermati a Colorno a vedere un palazetto di Maria Luige. A me piace vedere i palazzi e i giardini e mi e' piacutto molto vederli. Domani devo andare a fare la spesa perche non ho piu' niente da mangiare a casa, pero' a me piace andare a fare la spesa allora sono contenta di andare a farla.
Wall outside of Sabbioneta
Palazzo di Maria Luige (Colorno)
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