Today was such a pretty day here in Florence! The sun was out for most of the day and it was nice and warm. I finally made it to the grocery store this morning and stocked up on food. I also cleaned my room and got rid of all the dust bunnies that had accumulated from the weekend. With the weather being so nice, I was able to keep my window open almost the entire day and now my room smells nice and fresh. It's still cold at night though so I still turn the heater on, but I'm also always cold so I like sleeping with the heater on. I went and bought my tickets for Rome next weekend and I'm really excited about that. I've been to Rome once before and I'm excited to go back again.
Oggi era una giornata stupenda! Il sole era fuori e facceva anche' caldo. Sono andata al supermercato sta mattina e finalmente ho qualcosa da mangiare a casa. Ho anche' spolverato la mia camera che ne aveva bisogno. L'altra cosa che ho fatto e' che sono andata a prendere i biglietti per andare a Roma il prossimo weekend. Ci sono gia' stata una volta a Roma e non vedo l'ora di tornare!
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