
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
It has been cold here the past few days, so cold that they say it's going to snow tomorrow. I'm not too excited about that because I'm not a huge fan of snow, but oh well. Last night, Amy and I went to dinner at Il Bargello which is a restaurant located in Piazza delle Signoria. We went there because it is the restaurant of a friend of a friend of ours who said I should go. I had a pizza and Amy had a risotto and they were both delicious. I can't wait to go back there and try something else! I haven't really done much this week because I've had to do homework and get ready for Rome this weekend. I leave tomorrow night and I'm really excited because I've been to Rome once before but I'm excited to go again and take tons of pictures. All righty, well, I'm off to class!!

C'e' freddo. Dicono che domani e' supposto a nevicare. Non sono molto contenta pero' va be'. Ieri sera sono andata a mangiare a un ristorante che si chiama Il Bargello che e' nella Piazza delle Signoria. Io ho preso una pizza ed era molto buona, non vedo l'ora di tornare! Non ho fatto tantissimo in questi giorni perche' ho avuto tanto da fare per la scuola e poi per Roma. Parto domani sera per Roma e sono molto contenta che ci vado perche ci sono solo stata una volta e voglio tornare a vederla ancora ma anche per fare tante foto!
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