The End

Saturday, May 31, 2008
Hello to all! Sorry it's been a while since I've written, but it's been busy getting life back to normal and whatnot. My semester in Florence ended well, I finished school there with good grades, and it was sad to leave all the new friends I had made. I am happy to be home though. I will miss my apartment and my roommates, the city, but most of all, I will miss going to Parma almost every weekend to see the family. It was really nice having family in Italy because I knew that no matter what happened, I could count on them. It was also nice spending so much time with them because I never get to see them that much and seeing them and being with them for 4 months was great! Here in Salt Lake, nothing exciting to report. I don't start working my full summer schedule until June 9 so I've just been hanging out and going to school. But, I have been slightly bored, so thankfully, I got a golf season pass for the U this summer so I'll be playing golf all week which I'm really looking forward to. The weather in Salt Lake has been similar to the weather that we had in Florence, cloudy, rainy, sunny, but not too warm. This is kinda a bummer because I was really ready to leave that all behind and begin summer, but guess that will have to wait a little longer! Anyways, I'll try and update this as much as I can when something interesting happens!

Ciao a tutti! Scusate che ci ho messo cosi' tanto tempo a scrivere ancora, ma sono stata molto occupata qui a casa. Mi sono divertita tanto a Firenze, ma sono contenta di essere a casa. Mi manchera' Firenze e tutte le amicizie che ho fatto in tanto che ero li. Pero', mi manchera' di piu' andare a Parma quasi tutti i fine settimane a vedere i nonni, gli zii, e i cugini. Qui a Salt Lake, non c'e' molto di interessante che succede. Comincio a lavorare con l'orari d'estate il 9 giugno e allora ho tanto tempo (una settimana) di godermi l'estate. Penso che andro' a giocare a golf visto che ci dovrebbe essere bel tempo. Pero', fin ora, c'e' stata molta pioggia, nuvolo, e freddo, non caldo. Pero', spero che diventera' piu' caldo in questi giorni che cosi' potrei andare in piscina!

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