Hello to all!! I know it is a little late to write about Christmas, but better late than never! Christmas break was a lot of fun this year. My cousin Novella and her boyfriend Valerio came from Italy and spent Christmas with us. On Christmas day, we all went skiing which was a lot of fun even if it was only my second time ever on skis. But that time was enough to convince me to buy skis and later that week, I bought a pair of K2 Inspire Luv skis with Salomon boots. With Novella, we really didn't do a whole lot besides shop, which was great! I took Novella and Valerio to see the lights in Temple Square which, as usual, were spectacular. They left right before New Year's and Jeff came home from Kirkwood right after. Jeff and I got to spend a week together before he went back to school. One Friday night, we went on a date and he bought me tulips (my favorite flower) for the first time since we have been dating. For dinner, we went to Fresco on 15th and 15th and it was delicious! Other than that, Christmas break was very relaxing which was nice. I began my internship at the Hilton Salt Lake City Center a few weeks ago, and so far, I love it! I am really glad that I have the opportunity to work there. Now, I'm just counting down the days until 3A State Swimming (February 6 and 7) and hoping that Judge will do great! After that, I'm off to Vegas for President's Day weekend for a weekend of pampering and relaxation!
Ciao a tutti!!! Questo natale e' stato un natale stupendo! La Novella e Valerio sono venuti in America e hanno passato natale con noi! Il giorno di natale, siamo andati a sciare e quella giornata mi ha convinto a comprare degli sci. Il resto del tempo, siamo andati a vedere i monumenti (siamo andati a fare shopping!). Una sera ho portato la Novella e Valerio a vedere le luci a Temple Square che erano bellissime! Appena dopo che sono tornati in Italia, Jeff e tornato a casa. Noi ci siamo goduti una settimana insieme. Una sera siamo andati a mangiare fuori e Jeff mi ha comprato dei tulipani (i miei fiori preferiti) per la prima volta. In queste settimane, ho iniziato a lavorare al Hilton che c'e' qua a Salt Lake e mi piace molto! Oltre di quello, sto aspettando che finisce il nuoto che poi vado a Las Vegas con Jeff!!!
Novella e Valerio Temple Square
Luci Casa
Albero di Natale
Marzia, Giulia, Valerio, Novella Margarita
Giulia Margarita
Novella e Giulia Temple Square
Giulia e Novella
Valerio, Giulia, Nicola, Simone, Novella
Simone, Giulia, Novella, Nicola, Valerio
Full Moon
Jeff and I
(C) Giulia Longo 2013. Powered by Blogger.
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