
Saturday, February 28, 2009
I went skiing yesterday and it was probably one of the best days I have had skiing. I bought skis this year and wanted to learn how to ski. This season, I have only been up a few times and then I wanted to go up alone and see how I did. I was really proud of myself because I thought I did pretty well. I only fell twice but neither were bad enough for me to get discouraged. Yesterday morning, as I was driving up to the Canyons, the weather didn't seem too promising but it turned out to be an absolutely gorgeous day. The sun was out right as I went on my first run and it almost looked like it was snowing from the blue sky. The weather was very sunny and yet exttremely cold at the same. Nonetheless, I had a great day. My turns got better towards the end of the day, so I was pretty happy with that. For Spring Break, I am going to Lake Tahoe with Jeff and we will ski at Kirkwood which I am really excited about as I have never been there. Countdown to Spring Break: 12 days!!!!

Sono andata a sciare ieri e mi sono divertita tantissimo!!! La giornata non sembrava molto bella quando mi sono svegliata pero', quando sono arrivata su ai Canyons, c'era un sole stupendo e non c'era una nuvola. Visto che non sono una sciatrice molto brava, sono stata sulla pista dei principianti. Pero', mi sono divertita tanto e ho anche sciato abastanza bene. L'unica cosa e' che c'era un freddo bestiale, pero' non si noteva tanto perche' c'era il sole. Per Spring Break, andro' a Kirkwood con Jeff a sciare e non vedo l'ora di andarci!!!! Solo 12 giorni!!!!!!!

High Meadows - First Run of the Day (No Crowd!)

First Run of the Day

View at High Meadows

About to Ski Down

No One in Front!!!!

Skis - K2 Inspire Luv

Close Up of Skis!

Partial Valley View from the Top of Saddleback

Me Skiing Down High Meadows. Note how not only was I able to film myself while skiing (one hand had both my poles), but I didn't fall, and there was hardly anyone there!
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