
Saturday, April 11, 2009
The last weekend in March, I joined my parents (who were on a business trip) in Tampa, Florida. Salt Lake City, at the time, had snow and it was very cold. Tampa was the complete opposite, sunny and very warm. I did nothing for about three days straight except sit by the pool drinking Mai Tai's, it was fabulous! Skip and Nancy Elsas, two close family friends, were also in Tampa for the same meeting my parents were attending and I got to go to the Florida Aquarium with Nancy. We all went out to dinner one night at That's Amore, an Italian restaurant within walking distance of our hotels. The food was great! Tampa was a fun and relaxing weekend and hopefully I get to go somewhere else sunny soon!

L'ultimo weekend di Marzo, sono andata a Tampa, Florida con i miei genitori. C'era un tempo stupendo con un sole caldo. Io non ho fatto niente per tre giorni. L'unica cosa che ho fatto e sono stata in piscina a prendere del sole e ho bevuto tanti Mai Tai! Skip e Nancy Elsas, amici della nostra famiglia, erano anche loro a Tampa e con loro, siamo andati a mangiare a un risorante che si chiama That's Amore. Abbiamo mangiato molto bene! Io mi sono divertita a Tampa e spero di andare un un'altro posto con il sole e caldo presto!!!

The pool at our hotel where I spent most of my time

Sting Ray

Sea Turtle

Mom and Dad

Me at the Port

Mom and I

Dad and I

That's Amore restaurant across the river

Skip and I

Everyone after dinner

Skip, Me, Nancy

Me and the Parents

Cruise Ship leaving the port
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