Today is my first day of two that I have off. I should be doing homework, but naturally decided to postpone that and do some more important things. The first thing I did was order personalized stationary. I have begun writing more letters and have really enjoyed it, so I thought the only thing to do would be to order stationary with my name on it. I went to Trolley Square to Tabula Rasa and started looking around. I really wanted something with palm trees and the like, but they didn't have anything pre-made, therefore, I made the expensive decision to order my own. The one I chose is from Crane and Co. It is a light green paper with white border. I chose to do vertical stationary because it is a little different, and I liked the way it looked better. On the top left corner, there is a palm tree and my name and then on the bottom right corner, there is a sand dollar. The color of the font and the motifs are watermelon. I am super excited to get the proofs and then the actual thing! Be expecting a letter! Then, when I arrived home, I decided to join twitter. I don't know why, I just thought I would since EVERYONE is talking about it. My site is so if you have twitter, follow me! I will add pictures of my pretty stationary once I get it!
Oggi e' il primo di due giorni che io non lavoro. Dovrei fare i cimpiti, pero' quello puo aspettare. Sono andata a ordinare e comprare correspondense con il mio nome. Non vedo l'ora che arrivano! Ho scelto un foglio verde chiaro con scrittura colore anguria. In alto a sinistra c'e' una palma e il mio nome e in basso a destre un sand dollar. Poi, mi sono anche iscritta a twitter. Se voi c'e' l'avete, mi potete seguire!!!! Il mio sito e'
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