22nd Birthday!!
I kept my birthday super low key this year with just the family. We went to dinner at Takashi and had amazing sushi - so good! My parents bought me cupcakes instead of having a cake, and they were not only really pretty but tasted wonderful too!! Jeff couldn't make it, but I will be going to San Francisco in about one week to visit him so we will celebrate there! My parents gave me the perfume I wanted - Burberry Brit Sheer - it smells so good and fresh! They also gave me the iPhone! I have so much fun with it, it is honestly more of a toy than anything, but I love it! It was a really nice, really low key birthday and I had a great day! Thank you to all those who made it special for me!!
Quest'anno, non ho fatto molto per il mio compleanno. Siamo andati furori a mangiare lo sushi, che era buonissimo! I miei mi anno preso le cupcakes invece di una torta, ed erano molto buone! Mi hanno preso il profumo che volevo (Burberry Brit Sheer) e l'iPhone! Mi piace tanto il mio telefono nuovo, anche se e' piu' un gioco, per me va bene!! Non vedo l'ora di venire in Italia tra un mesa!! Grazie a tutti per i saluti di buon compleanno!!
Super Yummy Cupcakes
Margaritaville Cupcakes
Flowers from the family
At Dinner
At Dinner
At Dinner
At Dinner
At Dinner
Last shot of the cupcakes before we devoured them
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