February 16 - 21, 2010
This was a relatively low-key week. I spent the week going to more interviews (still waiting to hear back as far as a job offer goes), cooking (I made home-made applesauce), and spending time outside. We had two days where the weather was more like spring, very warm and sunny days, it was so nice! Too bad that didn't last very long and then it became cloudy and much cooler. We were very busy this weekend! On Saturday, we headed to Stanford to watch the Cal-Stanford Mens' Swim Meet because one of our friends' son swims for Cal. The meet was so much fun (even though Stanford won by 4 points!) and I got to see some of my friends that go to Stanford. Saturday night, Jeff and I went to a gala with his boss and it was a lot of fun! We got all dressed up for a wonderful night of dinner and dancing. Sunday we headed back to Palo Alto to help Jeff's grandma move to her new apartment. It was fun spending time with Jeff's family and being in Palo Alto. Every time I go to Palo Alto (which this weekend alone was twice) I fall in love. It is such a gorgeous place with amazing homes and fun little stores. This week we don't have too much planned, just more cooking and interviews! Have a marvelous week!
Non abbiamo fatto molto la settimana scorsa. Io ho avuto un paio di colloqui (sto ancora aspettando che qualcuno mi chiama per offrirmi un lavoro), ho fatto molto da mangiare, e sono stata fuori perche' c'era un tempo favoloso! Ci sono stati un paio di giorni dove sembrava estate. Un sole caldo e' si stava cosi' bene fuori! Poi dopo, e diventato nuvoloso e c'era piu' freddo, pero' mi sono goduta le giornate belle! Sabato siamo andati a vedere una gare di nuoto a Stanford. Era bello vedere il nostro amico nuotare (lui nuota per Berkeley) e poi la Stanford e' bellissima! Sabato sera, siamo andati a una festa con il capo di Jeff e' ci siamo divertiti molto. La festa era molto bella con una cena buona e poi si ballava dopo. Domenica siamo tornati verso la Stanford perche' siamo andati ad aiutare la nonna di Jeff che ha traslocato in un apartamento nuovo. E' stata una settimana impegnativa pero' a me piace cosi perche passa a la svelta. Questa settimana spero di sentire per un lavoro e poi faro' ancora molto da mangiare!
Homemade Applesauce (it was all mashed after)
Some of my favorite houses in the city so far
Stanford Pool
So pretty and calm
Jeff and I at the Gala
Tulips Growing
All pictures and content are my own unless stated otherwise. Please do not use my pictures without my prior approval. Thank you!