January 25 - 31, 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010
This was a very low-key week. I spent the week walking around town and attempting to find a job. No luck on the job search end of things, but I know that I will find something perfect soon! The weather was actually pretty nice this past week, it rained only a little bit so that was nice. The rest of the time, it was sunny and warm in the sun, but once you went into the shade, it cooled off, so it was nice walking down to the water and then back home. One project that I did this week was make a curtain. We had all of this dead-space above the cupboards in the kitchen and we needed more storage. I thought I would buy fabric and make a curtain. I went to Britex (fabric store downtown) and bought some fabric and ribbon and came home and started sewing - by hand. I thought this project would take me a day or two, but I had it done in a few hours. I took the ribbon and placed it as a border around the edges of the curtain and then Jeff helped me hang it up. I think it looks great and it is nice to have more storage (even though after one Costco run, it is already full with pasta, tortilla chips, and olive oil!). On Thursday night, Jeff and I went with Jeff's friend to the Academy of Science's "Happy Hour." This is a museum that on Thursday nights from 6-10pm, they have a happy hour. You buy tickets and those get you into the museum and then they have reasonably priced cocktails that you carry around with you as you tour the museum. The museum is gorgeous - aquarium, rain forest, planetarium - and it was fun walking around at night inside of it. I think I will head back to the museum during the day and explore again. The museum is in Golden Gate Park, which on its own is amazing. That will be a plan for this upcoming week - explore Golden Gate Park. Anyways, other than that, the weekend was spent hanging out and enjoying the sunshine. My tulips that Jeff brought me back from Amsterdam are budding so hopefully they will keep growing this week! Hope you all have a wonderful week!

Questa settimana, non ho fatto molto. Sto ancora cercando un lavoro, ma lo so che prima o poi, trovero' un lavoro perfetto per me. Mi sono data a un progetto - ho fatto una tenda per la mia cucina. Sono andata a prendere la stoffa, e mi sono messa a cucire - a mano. Devo dire, che sta benissimo! Dietro la tenda, ho messo tante cose grande - pasta, oglio, ed altre cose. Giovedi' sera, io e Jeff (con un suo amico) siamo andati a un museo per apperitivi. E stato molto bello, perche' vai a vedere un museo di scienze in tanto che fai l'apperitivo. Ci siamo divertiti molto e non vedo l'ora di tornare al museo durante il giorno per andare a vederee tutto. Il museo e' dentro un parco, che e' molto bello. Ci tornero' questa settimana per vedere il parco durante il giorno. I fiori che Jeff mi ha portato da Amsterdam stanno crescendo e spero che questa settimana continuano a crescere! Buona settimana!



Transamerica Building - Sunset

View from the roof of our apartment

View from the roof of our apartment

Thursday Farmer's Market

Walking along the Embarcadero

By the Wharf

By the Wharf


Tulip Buds!

Yummy meat sauce I made

Where we do laundry

The amazing Nob Hill Market right down the street

Random bumper protection

Golden Gate Bridge

Golden Gate Bridge

Golden Gate Bridge

Golden Gate Bridge
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