March 1 - 7, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010
The week went by so fast I don't even remember what I did! I started working and so far so good. I really like working at the Hilton here in San Francisco. There have been a couple of difficult transitions, such as learning over 10 different room codes! But overall, I am really liking it and am excited to keep working there. Now that I am working, I have very little time to sit around and not do anything! I did, however, find the time to make biscotti. The recipe was for chocolate hazelnut biscotti, but I didn't want to have to chop them and then toast them and then use them (I'm lazy, what can I say) so I made chocolate almond biscotti. They were a huge hit so poor Jeff doesn't have that many left! The weather didn't cooperate that well and I ended up walking to work in the rain (at 6:30 in the morning!) on more than one occasion. It went ok except for the part where I walk downhill the entire way in shoes that really aren't meant to be used in the rain. Don't worry though, I went into the Merrell store and got some wonderful new ones! Jeff and I then went sailing this weekend with his parents. We had a great time and the weather was perfect! I am still getting used to sailing and when the boat is heeling (on its side as if we are going to tip over, but we won't) I freak out and can't open my eyes until the boat is back to normal again. But we had a great time and I always felt safe! Nothing that exciting going on now that I am working, but this week, my mom comes into town and I am very excited to see her and spend the weekend with her!

Adesso che lavoro, non ho tempo di fare niente! Mi piace molto il mio lavoro e sono contenta di avere un lavoro. Ho trovato il tempo di fare dei biscotti al cioccolato e mandorle. Mi hanno detto che sono venuti molto buoni e adesso non c'e' ne sono rimasti tanti! Una cosa che ho notato caminando a lavorare ogni mattina e' l'odore che c'e' fuori. Mi sembra quasi di essere in Italia. C'e' quel bel fresco quando si sente la citta' e mi piace molto perche' mi sembra proprio di essere in Italia. Il tempo lasciava un po' da desidere - pioveva molto. Pero' mi sono comprata un paio di scarpe nuove che vanno meglio quando piove. Naturalmente, appene che ho preso le scarpe, non ha piovuto piu'. Pero', dai, e' sempre cosi'! Questo weekend, io e Jeff siamo andati in barca vela con i suoi genitori. C'era un tempo perfetto e ci siamo divertiti molto! Io ho preso un po' di paura quando la barca e' solo da una parte, pero' sappevo che andrebbe tutto meglio allora mi sono rilassata un po'. Questa settimana, viene mi mamma a trovarmi! Sono molto contenta di vederla e non vedo l'ora di portarla in giro!

Tulips have finally bloomed!

Smoked Salmon and Brie Quiche

Chocolate Almond Biscotti

Sunrise on my way to work

Sunrise on my way to work

Sunrise on my way to work

Sunrise on my way to work

Sailing in the Bay

Whale Tail-like Cloud

Sailing in the Bay


Beautiful Sunday in Union Square
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