Working at the Hilton, I meet many different people from all over the nation and the world. One guest was particularly interesting. I saw that his address was Atlanta so I struck up a conversation with him. He said that he lived on LaVista which was/is right by where I used to live in Atlanta. Conversation:
Me - "You know, I used to live right off of LaVista in Breckenridge."
Guest - "Oh really? A while back, my wife and I had seen a house in Breckenridge at the end of a cul-de-sac."
Me- "No way! I lived at the end of a cul-de-sac in Breckenridge. I lived in Cedar Canyon Ct."
Guest - "Wait, at the end with a large yard two stories?"
Me- "Yes, when did you see it?"
Guest - "Oh it was probably back in 2001 or so."
Me- "That was my house! I moved in August of 2001!"
Guest - "Really?!"
Me- "Yes! You saw my house!"
From there, I proceeded to talk to him about the house that I grew up in. But what a small world that in San Francisco while working at a Hilton, I checked in a guest who had seen my old house in Atlanta. I was very excited and told my parents right away and they couldn't believe it! I wish I had a picture to show you of our old house, but it really was amazing. I still dream about that house and all of its glory! When/if I can find a picture, I will be sure to post it!
Lavorando all'Hilton, vengo in contro con tanta gente da tutto il mondo e l'America. Un giorno, stavo faccendo il checkin di un ospite, e ho visto che il suo indirizzo era Atlanta. Ho cominciato a parlarli e si vede che anni fa, lui aveva visto la nostra casa in Atlanta. Noi ci siamo spostati da Atlanta a Salt Lake nel 2001 e lui ha visto la nostra casa nel 2001. E' un mondo piccolo che adesso che sono a San Francisco lavorando in un albergo, ho conosciuto qualcuno che aveva visto la mia casa ad Atlanta! Non ci credevo e dopo di che, ho chiamato i miei genitori per dirlelo e neanche' loro ci potevano credere!
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