July 5 - 11, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010
Well, after Jeff and co. took off on Wednesday, nothing that exciting happened. My days have been spent working, yoga-ing, sleeping, and running errands. The weather has been decent, fog in the mornings and at night, but sunny and warm(-ish) during the day, so really can't complain on that end. Yoga is kicking my butt, but that's a good thing because I really have fun going and I feel like it's helped me become more toned. With work, it's nice working in the mornings because I have so much that I can do in the afternoons. It is also nice to have a long lunch break (1 hour) because that gives me time to head over and sit outside in Union Square with my lunch. This week, Simone is here keeping me company and we are planning on doing some very touristy things like a city tour tomorrow, so that should be exciting. Then, for me, it's just countdown until Hawaii! For those asking about the Pacific Cup (which should be all of you), Jamani is doing well, currently ETA in Hawaii is July 19 but it's getting earlier every day (which is great because it means that they are sailing well!), so that's been exciting to follow. Have a wonderful week!

Dopo che Jeff e' partito, non ho fatto molto. I miei giorni sono occupati con lo yoga, mangiare, lavorare, e dormire. Il tempo non e' perfetto, pero' a me piace. C'e' la nebbia al mattino ed a la sera, pero' durante il giorno, c'e' il sole e piu' caldo. Lo yoga mi piace molto perche' mi sento molto piu' attiva e sto meglio quando lo faccio (anche' se prima, durante, e dopo mi lamento!). Con il lavoro, e' bello essere finita nel primo pomeriggio perche' ho tutta la giornata a fare quello che voglio. Questa settimana, c'e' Simone qua che mi fa compagnia e domani faremmo un giro della citta' nel autobus. Spero che sia bello! Riguardo la gara di Jeff, stanno andando molto bene, e per adesso sono previsti alle Hawaii il 19 di luglio, pero' speriamo prima! Buona settimana!

Levi's Plaza in the Financial District - so peaceful

Union Square

Fog over the Intercontinental Mark Hopkins in the morning

St. Dominic's Catholic Church
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