This is the first of many posts on the 2010 Pacific Cup. First, a little background. The Pacific Cup is the "Fun Race to Hawaii." Why? Because once you get there, it's all about having a good time! Now the course, it leaves from San Francisco (the Saint Francis Yacht Club to be exact) and ends up at the Kaneohe Bay Yacht Club (Windward/Eastern side of Oahu). Two years ago, Jamani (the name of the boat) made the voyage in 12 days, this year, they are looking to do it in 10. A few notes about this year though, the weather/wind patterns are not cooperating as well as hoped, but Jamani and crew will be able to navigate through the waters of the Pacific swimmingly! Crew this year are Sean, Kim, Jeff, Mike, and Evy - all very experienced sailors as 4/5 did the race two years ago. The welcome team in Hawaii will include: Carolyn, Claire, Chris, Tim, Emma, and myself (we have the very important task of ensuring that the house, mai tai's, and beach are all up to par!). Ok, back to the race, the crew left SFYC this morning around 11 am and heading to the starting line at the Saint Francis Yacht Club. Carolyn and myself heading to the Golden Gate Bridge (first time walking on it for the both of us) to wave them off. It took us a minute to figure out which boat was Jamani, but her carbon fiber gybe can't be missed! We waved them off from the bridge (they waved back!) and sent them on their way. They are hoping to have good wind these first 200 miles (from the predictions, not looking too great), and then it should be smooth sailing (no pun intended) into Hawaii! To follow them you can (1) follow my blog, I'll try to post as much as I can with updates and/or (2) follow them on the Pacific Cup website (directions below). Enjoy the pictures!
Questa sara' la prima di tanti aggiornamenti sulla gara che Jeff e la sua famiglia fanno da San Francisco a Kaneohe (nelle Hawaii). Due anni fa, ci hanno messo 12 giorni per andare da San Francisco a Hawaii, pero' quest'anno, sperano di farla in 10 giorni. L'unica cosa e' che il vento non sta andando all'oro favore (non c'e' molto vento qua vicino a San Francisco) allora faranno quello che possano fare in questi primi giorni, pero' dopo, sara' abastanza facile ad arrivare alle Hawaii. La gente che c'e' sulla barca quest'anno e': Sean, Kim, Jeff, Mike, e la Evy. Poi io, Carolyn, Claire, Chris, Tim, e la Emma saranno alle Hawaii per salutarli quando arrivano! Sta'mattina, io e la Carolyn gli siamo andati a salutare sul ponte (dopo che gli abbiamo salutati dal Yacht Club). C'era vento sul ponte e li abbiamo visti e salutati da in alto. Per vedere come stanno andando avete due scelte: o potete guardare qua sul mio blog, o se no, potete andare su il sito della gara per vedere dove sono (instruzioni giu'). Spero che godete le foto!
Instructions to Follow Jamani (instruzioni per seguire Jamani):
1. Go to (andate): http://www.pacificcup.org/
2. Click/hover on (scegliete): Follow the Fleet
3. Click on (scegliete): Satellite Tracker (NOTE: ONLY WORKS WITH FIREFOX/LAVORA SOLO CON FIREFOX)
4. Jamani is in Division C once the image appears. You may need to zoom in to see where all the boats are. (Jamani e' nella divisione C. C'e' il caso che dovete zoom per vedere bene dove sono tutte le barche!).
Getting all ready
Banana Leaves for good luck
Crew L-R: Evy, Mike, Jeff, Kim, Sean
Getting ready for the start (haven't figured out the digital zoom yet)
And they're off!
Jamani (yay for digital zoom!)
About to go under the bridge