The Great Vallejo Race

Thursday, May 5, 2011
I was somehow talked into going on Jamani for the Great Vallejo Race. After Jeff asked me a few dozen times, I decided to give in and just go. I am very happy I did. I was excited to go on the race because it was the first sailing race I had ever been on. The weather could not have been better - sunny skies and warm air! There were over 200 boats ready to go and once we had the go, we took off! We had a wonderful start and off we went from the Berkeley Circle to Vallejo. We were cruising along until, all of a sudden, the wind died. We were just barely at the Bay Bridge at this point. From there, the wind just kept dying and all of a sudden, we were moving backwards! There was such little wind that the boat was just not moving. We made an executive decision to turn around and head back to SFYC. All in all, while it wasn't as intense as it could have been, I had a great time sailing! Can't wait to go sailing again soon!

Non so come, ma' Jeff mi ha convinto di andare in barca con lui e la sua famiglia questo weekend scorso a fare una gara. Io ci sono andata e sono molto contenta di esservi andata! C'erano piu' di 200 barche che hanno fatto questa gara. Abbiamo cominciato molto bene e siamo andati avanti facendo buon tempo. Dopo un po', non c'era piu' vento. E' un po' dificile andare in barca vela senza vento. C'era tanto sole e io ho preso un po' di sole che ho goduto tantissimo! Dopo un po' di tempo essendo fermi, abbiamo deciso di tornare indietro e tornare a casa. Anche se non abbiamo finito la gara (alle fine, solo 40 barche hanno finito (su 200)), ci siamo divertiti molto! Non vedo l'ora di tornare sulla barcha!!

What a day!

Main Sail

Not a breath of wind

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