Santa Maria

Sunday, June 12, 2011
Jeff and I headed down the coast this weekend because one of his college friends, Ryan, was getting married. The wedding was in Santa Maria which is just south of Pismo beach and just north of Santa Barbara. We decided to drive down because it was only a 5 hour drive from San Francisco and flying + rental car + driving 3 hours from LA would have been almost 5 times as much! We had a wonderful drive down and checked into the Radisson (I know, no Hilton's in the area, I checked!). It was a great hotel and was even better because the wedding party had arranged a bus to take us from the hotel to the church then to the reception and then back to the hotel. The ceremony was beautiful and then we headed to the reception. The reception was at Gainey Vineyards in Santa Ynez and it was spectacular! They served us some hors d'ourves and our favorite were these chips with ahi tuna and fresh guacamole. We ate quite a few! Then we sat down for dinner which was also very tasty. After dinner - dancing! Didn't take a whole lot of pictures, but managed to take a few! Jeff is wearing a grey Banana Republic suit with a Nordstrom tie and I am wearing a dress that my grandma had made for my cousin that I now possess. We look pretty amazing if I may say so myself!
Io e Jeff siamo andati giu' a Santa Maria questo weekend perche' uno dei suoi amici del college si e' sposato. Ci siamo andati in macchina perche' costava di meno andare in macchina che non volare a Los Angeles, noleggiare una macchina, e poi guidare per 3 ore. Da San Francisco, il viaggio era solo 5 ore! Siamo andati giu' sabato mattina e siamo arrivati nel albergho in tempo per rilassarci e poi fare una bella doccia. La cerimonia era bellissima e poi siamo andati a un vineyard per la reception. Quando siamo arrivati, ci hanno dato da mangiare questa specia di chip con il tonno e il guacamole. Era molto buono! Dopo di che, ci siamo seduti per mangiare. Anche la cena era molto buona! Abbiamo ballato un po' e poi siamo tornati in albergho nel pumino. Jeff si e' messo un vestito di Banana Republic con una cravatta di Nordstrom. Io mi sono messa un vestito che mia nonna aveva fatto per la Novella che adesso ho io. Io penso che stiamo molto bene!

In the hotel elevator getting ready to go

Outside the church after the ceremony

All of the Kappa Sigma men

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