The Boys

Saturday, September 24, 2011
I have my girls, and I have my boys. My girls are a family of three girls whom I used to babysit before I moved. Their youngest is now 7, and I started watching them when she was a few months old. My boys are a family of two boys whom I used to teach Sunday School, swim lessons, and babysit. Their oldest was three and is now 10. It's CRAZY how fast these kids grow up! Anyways, I went and babysat for my boys recently and they made me cupcakes for my birthday. Their mom is an AMAZING baker/cook (she made the cupcakes for my graduation party) and she helped them with the cupcakes. Since they know how much I love the beach, the cupcakes were beach themed. They were decorated with fish, lounge chair and coconut drink, sailboat, and sharkfin. I wanted to share because (a) the cupcakes were quite delicious and (b) it was too cute to not share!

Io ho i miei bimbi. C'e' una famiglia con tre bambine che guardavo prima che mi sono spostata. La piu' piccola adesso ha 7 anni, e io ho cominciato a tenerle quando aveva un paio di mesi. C'e' un'altra famiglia con due bambini maschi di cui il piu' grande adesso ha 10 anni, e ho cominciato con loro quando aveva 3 anni. Comunque, sono andata da loro una sera di recente e i due bambini mi hanno fatto le cupcakes per il mio compleanno. La loro mamma fa i dolci buonissimi e ha dato una mano ha i suoi figli per fare le mie cupcake. Visto che sanno come mi piace il mare, hanno decorato le cupcake al tema di mare. C'era la sedia a sdraio, le palme, i pesci. Volevo farvele vedere perche' erano buonissime e poi erano troppo belle!

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