Mrs. Backer's Pastry Shop

Sunday, October 16, 2011

I had a little bit of time yesterday so I thought to continue with my cupcake project. I decided to go to Mrs. Backer's on South Temple because it is super close to my house and I didn't have a ton of time. I walked in and never wanted to leave! It smelled so delicious! They had shelves of different cupcakes, cakes, cookies, and treats! It all looked super tasty! I stuck to the plan though and just got the vanilla/vanilla. As I bought it, the nice lady who rung me up said that they are famous for their frosting, so you can bet I was pretty excited to eat it! As I was holding the cupcake to eat it, it felt really light, as in it weighed nothing. Then I bit into it. It melted in my mouth! The cake was a sort of sponge cake I think because it was super light and like I said, just melted. The frosting was in fact, heavenly! It was a very light cupcake that settled very well. I think I could have eaten many more! Overall, the frosting was divine and the cake was good. I may have liked a cake with a little more consistency, but I still truly enjoyed this one! Oh! And the price was right at only $1.50 for the one cupcake!

Avevo un po' di tempo ieri allora ho deciso di continuare il mio cupcake project. Sono andata da Mrs. Backer's che e' sulla South Temple perche' e' vicino a casa mia e non avevo tantissimo tempo. Quando sono entrata, c'era queso profumo cosi dolce! Non volevo mai uscire! Avevano tanti tipi diversi di cupcake, torte, biscotti, e altri dolci! Io ho preso la mia solita cupcake alla vaniglia con il frosting alla vaniglia. Quando stavo pagando la commessa mi ha detto che loro sono famosi per il loro frosting - che bello! Prima, ho notato che la cupcake non pesava niente. Di solito, non e' che sono pesante, pero' un po' di peso c'e'. Questa niente. Poi l'ho morsicata. Mm, che bonta! Mi si sciogliava in bocca! Tutto era buonissimo! La torta era una specie di torta di spugna (molto leggera) e il frosting era buonissimo! Mi e' piacuta molto questa cupcake! E poi, il prezzo era giusto a soli $1.50!

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