
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
This past weekend, I met up with my parents in Atlanta to celebrate the life of our dear friend Skip. Skip and his lovely family have known both my brother and I our entire lives and we consider him and his wife Nancy another set of grandparents. He'll be greatly missed by many and I'm so fortunate to have had the chance to have known him.
Questo fine settimana, mi sono trovata con i miei genitori in Atlanta per ricordare la vita di Skip. Skip e la sua familia mi conoscono la quando sono nata e lui e sua moglie, Nancy, sono altri nonni per me e Simone.
Tampa, 2009

Since I had already flow across the country, I decided it was about time to see Jay. Jay and I have known each other since elementary school and we've kept super in touch once I moved and we are still very close and great friends. It had been about 9 years since I'd seen him last so it was definitely time! 
Visto che ero gia ad Atlanta, ho deciso che era ora di vedere un paio di cose, e Jay. Io e Jay ci conosciamo da quando eravamo alle elementari. Ci sentiamo ancora molto spesso ed era ora di vederlo!

Turner Field

Our old house!
My room was the one on the top left side


Downtown ATL

Peach (changes color based on temperature)

Naturally, I made Jay take me to the aquarium. It did not disappoint
Naturalmente, mi sono fatta portare al acquario. Meritava. 


This was neat (maybe click on it to enlarge?). The acrylic in the giant tank
is 2 feet think. Pretty crazy to think about!
Questo era bello di vedere. Il muro fra i pesci e la gente e 2 pedi. 

Not the greatest pic of me, but yay for finally having a pic! 
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