Big Bear

Sunday, May 1, 2016
At the end of April, my neighbor James had his birthday party up in Big Bear. Noel and I were invited (we cooked!) and I was excited to go up to Big Bear. He rented a house and the first morning we were there, it flurried.
A fine aprile, il mio vicino di casa ha avuto il suo compleanno a Big Bear. Io e la Noel eravamo invitati (abbiamo fatto noi da mangiare!) e io ero contenta di andare a Big Bear per la prima volta. Lui aveva preso in affito una casa e la prima mattina che eravamo li, c'erano due fiocchi di neve.

We ventured out and came across a part of Big Bear Lake and then this fabulous park that was perfect for pictures.
Siamo andate fuori a girare e abbiamo visto il lago e poi un parco dove abbiamo fato tante foto .

Noel's dad is a member of the Elks so we found the Big Bear Elk's Lodge
and took a picture.

This was the view as we were driving back down the mountain.

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