Summer in the (SL)City!

Friday, July 8, 2016
After Jay's wedding, I headed to Salt Lake for a few days. Now, I usually go to Italy during the summer. However, teaching at a year-round school means that my summer vacation is shorter. With Jay getting married and then going on a cruise to Alaska later this month, there was no way I could make it to Italy as well. Therefore, I went to Italy for Easter and it was so great!
Dopo il matrimonio di Jay, sono andata a Salt Lake per un paio di giorni. Di solito, vado in Italia in estate. Pero', lavorando in una scuola annuale dove abbiamo piu' vacanze durante l'anno, le vacanze estive sono piu' corte. Visto che avevo il matrimonio di Jay e poi andro' in crociera in Alaska, non potevo andare in Italia. Allora sono andata in Italia a Pasqua!

No trip to SLC is complete without B&D's!

So proud of Simone for working so hard at the U!

The usual B&D's crew!

I spent the majority of my days at the pool.
Ho passato molto tempo in piscina.

I also got to see Leslie and her darling children!

Back in San Diego, Noel and I found this sign on the side of a building and HAD to take a picture in front of it.
A San Diego, abbiamo trovato questo muro e abbiamo dovuto fare delle foto.

My lovely cousin Elena had her baby, Alessandro, on July 5! Isn't he precious?
Mia cugina Elena ha avuto il suo bambino, Alessandro il 5 di luglio! 

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