Kilmainham Gaol e' la vecchia prigione di Dublino. E' stata chiusa nel 1924.
Door to one of the cells
The prison was unique because it was a solitary confinement prison. It also had men, women, and children imprisoned at the same time. Finally, it was silent - the prisoners were not allowed to talk. Being a solitary confinement and silent prison meant that fewer guards were needed. They put in grates instead of solid walkways so that guards on one level could keep an eye on the level above and below them.
Questa prigione era diversa perche' era una delle prime di avere i prigionieri in solitario. I prigionieri non potevano parlare e c'erano uomini, donne, e bambini. Questo voleva dire che non c'era bisogno di molte guardie perche' una guarda poteva controllare piu' prigionieri.