Thanksgiving Break

Thursday, December 27, 2018
Thanksgiving Break started out with a bang! I went to see the 98° Christmas Concert and it was amazing. I loved this band when I was a kid and it was fun to sing Christmas songs.
Per la settimana di ferie per Thanksgiving, sono andata a un concerto. Ho visto i 98°, che era un gruppo famoso quando ero piu' giovane. Era bello cominciare la settimana con lo spirito natalizio!

The day after the concert, Christina, her son Ethan, and I went up to Disneyland. I had never been to Disneyland at Christmastime and it was magical.
Il giorno dopo, io la Christina, e suo figlio, siamo andati a Disneyland. Io non c'ero mai stata a Natale e meritava davvero.

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