April/May 2022

Sunday, May 22, 2022

April and May were busy months. Work was crazy because testing season was here and we always seemed to be running around. Here are some highlights.

Aprile e maggio erano impegnativi. Lavoro era pesante perche' avevamo gli esami di fine anno. Sembrava che eravamo sempre di corsa. 

Sun dog

We were kickball CHAMPS!

We went to see the Immersive Van Gogh Experience which was pretty neat. It tells you about Van Gogh's life and the final room has a ton of projectors that show his art - it was cool.
Siamo andati a vedere una mostra di Van Gogh dove fanno muovere le opere d'arte. La prima parte ti raccontava de la vita di Van Gogh e l'ultima sala aveva dei proiettori dove fa vedere le opere piu' notevoli. Era bello e diverso.


This was a pretty cool highlight. The teachers at my school site voted my Teacher of the Year. I was recognized by the Board of Education and then my principal presented me with this apple. 
Sono stata votata Maestra dell'anno ne la mia scuola. Mi hanno presentato con un certificato e poi la mia preside mi ha preso questa mela di vetro con un'iscrizone. 

Hannah visited!

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