February 2024

Thursday, February 29, 2024

February was busy! We walked down to the water one Sunday and enjoyed the weather.

Un sabato siamo andati a piedi fino al mare per goderci la stagione.


A colleague from work had starter for Amish Friendship Bread. I remember making this as a child, so I grabbed a starter bag from her. I made several rounds of the bread and muffins - it was just like I remembered it! 
Una collega aveva la biga per questo pane che mi ricordo di aver fatto da piccola. Ho provato anch'io e ho fatto un paio di tipi di pane da colazione diversi. Era proprio come me lo ricordavo! 

We were supposed to have friends over for the Super Bowl, but I was sick. We had bought what seemed like a thousand pounds of chicken wings, so we made some even though it was just us. They were pretty easy to make and turned out quite tasty!
Dovevamo avere dei amici a casa nostra per guardare il Super Bowl pero' io ero amalata. Avevamo gia' comprato le ali di pollo allora le abbiamo fatte solo per noi. 

Date night! One of our favorite restaurants, Mabel's Gone Fishin', did a tinned fish night. We had a great time and ate some delicious tinned fish - something we wouldn't have necessarily picked out on our own. 
Serata fuori! Uno dei nostri ristoranti preferiti ha fatto una serata di pesci sott'olio/in scatola. Ci siamo divertiti molto e abbiamo provato e mangiato de le cose che non avremmo mai scelto solo noi.

My parents came into town and I took them to the zoo. It was a beautiful day and so many animals were out and about.
Sono venuti I miei per un weekend e siamo andati allo zoo. Era una giornata perfetta e c'erano tanti animali fuori. 

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