June 2024 - Parma

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The end of the school year was a blur. I made the decision to go to a new school for next year to seek out a new position as a Special Education teacher. I'll be working with students who have academic challenges on specific goals. While working, I'll be taking classes to get my special education credential. This meant that the end of the school year, I was packing up my old classroom and space and had to move it to a new school. Before I knew it, it was time to begin my European summer vacation! 

L'ultime settimana di scuola erano pesanti. Ho cambiato scuola e lavoro. Sono sempre ne lo stesso ditretto, pero' in una scuola diversa. Adesso lavorero' con bambini che hanno bisogno di piu' aiuto. Nel frattempo, prendo un'altra licenza per insegnare bambini con special needs. Allora a la fine de la scuola, ho impacchettato tutto e spostato tutto ne la scuola nuova. E poi, era tempo per partire per le mie vacanze Europea! 

First stop was Parma for a week before Andy arrived. I spent time with the family eating amazing pizza and gelato and going to the pool.

Prima tappa era Parma per una settimana prima che arrivasse Andy. Ho passato tempo con la familia mangiando pizza e gelato e andando in piscina. 

When Andy arrived, we went to tour a Lambrusco vineyard that has SUCH delicious wines! We also headed to Monterosso, but it was pouring rain, so we didn't manage to stay very long. 
Quando e' arrivato Andy, siamo andati a vistare Rinaldini, che e' una cantina dove fanno Lambrusco. Siamo anche andati a Monterosso, pero' diluviava, allora non ci siamo fermati tanto.

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