Lazy Days

Thursday, February 28, 2008
I did absolutely nothing today. It was awesome! I slept in because I don't have class until 3pm on Thursdays, I showered, then I did homework, but I really did nothing today. I feel great too! I love having days where I don't do anything. It was a great day too because it was cloudy and warm so I didn't even need a sweater and/or jacket. I made a delicious salad for lunch with pesto dressing and chicken and then I went to class. Class was okay and after, I came home and did nothing the rest of the afternoon. But I loved every minute of it! Tomorrow, my cousin is coming, so I'm excited about that and then this weekend I am going to Parma so again, excited about that because I love Parma!

Oggi non ho fatto neinte e mi sono goduta la giornata! Ho dormito fino a tardi perche non ho lezione fino alle 15, poi mi sono lavata, fatto dei compiti, pero' non ho fatto niente. Era una giornata grigia che mi piace tantissimo perche non faceva ne' caldo ne' freddo e si stava benissimo. A mezzo giorno mi sono fatta un'insalata con il pesto e del pollo ed era buonissima, non pensavo che veniva cosi' buona. Domani viene mia cugina e poi vado a Parma per il resto del fine settimana che per me va bene perche mi piace tantissimo Parma!
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