Lago Maggiore

Sunday, April 6, 2008
This past weekend, my dad was still in town due to his flight being canceled on Saturday, so we, along with my aunt and uncle, went to Lago Maggiore which is near lake Como. The lake was beautiful and we lucked out with the weather because it was sunny and warm. At the lake, we walked around and saw the little town of Stresa. This lake, Lago Maggiore, means the bigger lake, and with that in mind, there were all these gorgeous hotels along the shore. One hotel even had its own helicopter landing right off of the lake! These hotels are different because they are fairly old buildings which means that the architecture of them is old. They look more like palaces, and their names were all along the lines of Regina Palace Hotel for example, and I couldn't stop staring at them! They looked so pretty on the shore with the sun hitting them and all their windows/rooms and grand entrances. After going to both Lago di Como and Lago Maggiore I decided that Lago Maggiore has more to do meaning that you can walk along the shore and find things to do. You can also walk into the city (behind the masive hotels) and find all these little piazzas and whatnot. Lago di Como was gorgeous but there isn't as much to do, yet it is still absolutely gorgeous. I'm glad I got the chance to go to both.

Questo fine settimana c'era ancora mio papa'. Con lui e i miei zii siamo andati al Lago Maggiore. C'era un sole brillante e una giornata stupenda. Al lago, ci sono questi gran albergi sul lungo lago. Uno aveva per fino un posto per l'elicotteri d'atterare! Questi albergi sembrano piu' dei palazzi che non albergi, ma comunque sia, erano belissimi. Il Lago Maggiore, confrontato al Lago di Como, ha piu' da fare e da vedere perche' ci sono delle ville, parchi, e citta' da vedere sempre vicino a Stresa, dove eravamo noi. Il Lago di Como e' molto bello, ma per andare a vedere tutto, ci devi andare in barca, che e' bello, ma e' anche bello andare a piedi. Sono contenta di essere stata a vedere tutti due i laghi perche' meritano.

Me and dad in front of the Fleur de Lis in Piazza Signoria

The fam at dinner

First view of Lago Maggiore

Lago Maggiore

Pretty flowers

Palm trees

Helicopter landing pad of the Grand Hotel des Iles Borromees
(across the street from the hotel)
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