Hello to all! Sorry that there hasn't been any news lately, nothing too exciting has happened. I am working a ton, still at Fairmont but it is going well and I love the kids and coaching again! Other than that though, I've been golfing, shopping, laying by the pool, and pretty much being lazy all summer which is a nice change from the hectic one I had last summer. I am going to Hawaii on Saturday, the 26th, so expect a posting of pictures the first week of August when I get back. Jeff is sailing there from San Francisco and so far, they are ranked 2nd overall, so hopefully they'll keep it up! Jeff's sailing there with his parents and his older brother as well as with a family friend. We'll spend a week in Hawaii and then they'll sail back and I'll fly back. I've never been to Hawaii so I'm pretty excited about that and I won't have to work so it'll be a great vacation! Check back in 2 weeks to hear about my trip!!
Ciao a tutti!! Niente di molto interessante e' successo, sto lavorando ancora, ma neinte di speciale. Oltre quello, sto giocando a golf, vado a fare shopping spesso, vado in piscina a prendere il sole, e piu' di quello, niente! Vado alle Hawaii il 26 di luglio fino al 4 di agosto. Jeff ci sta arrivando in barca vela con la sua familia e stanno andando molto bene! Non ci sono mai stata alle Hawaii e sono molto contenta di andarci! Guardate indietro tra due settimane quando c'avro' le foto e vi raconto della mia vacanza!!
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