I went to visit Jeff last weekend in San Francisco and we had a great time! The weather was perfect - sunny and warm both days I was there. I arrived Thursday night so we didn't do a whole lot, just went to his moms' apartment and went to bed. On Friday, Jeff had to work so I walked him to work and then puttered around the area where he works (Laurel Heights) ending up in a Starbucks (not that surprising). Good thing I stayed nearby because about 30 minutes after I had sat down to people watch, Jeff called and said he was done for the day. We met up and started walking around San Francisco. Aounrd lunchtime, we headed towards the apartment and Whole Foods where we got fruit and pizza for lunch. After lunch, we headed down to Fisherman's Wharf to walk around and see the sights. We also stopped in Ghirardelli Square where we had their World Famous Hot Fudge Sundae which was enormous, but we still devoured in about 10 minutes. At the end of the day, we had walked 10 miles. Needless to say, on Saturday, we were both feeling it in our legs. We had a delicious lunch of juevos rancheros at Jeff's aunt and uncle's house in Palo Alto on Saturday and then went back to the city to pass a few hours before I flew back home. I fly back to San Francisco (this time for four days) on July 1 and I'm excited to see fireworks in the bay!
Io sono andata a visitare Jeff a San Francisco la settimana scorsa. Il tempo era stupendo - c'era un sole maraviglioso! Venerdi', Jeff e' dovuto andare a lavorare e io sono andata con lui e poi ho caminato in giro. Dopo che aveva finito di lavorare (mezz'oretta dopo) siamo andati in giro per la citta'. Nel pomerigio, abbiamo caminiato a Fisherman's Wharf e poi da Ghriardelli Square dove ci siamo gustati un gelato enorme! Io tornero' a San Francisco il primo di luglio e non vedo l'ora di vedere i fuochi d'artificio sulla baia!
View of the Bay
Jeff and I at Satarbucks
Jeff with the Hot Fudge Sundae
No more Hot Fudge Sundae
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