For New Years, Jeff, Roberta, and I headed to downtown Salt Lake for the EVE festivities. There wasn’t too much going on, but there was music and fireworks and that was all we cared about! Despite the chilly weather, we had a great time roasting marshmallows and walking around downtown. On New Years day, Jeff and I headed out of Salt Lake towards San Francisco. We had rented a Penske moving truck (16 feet) and once we got everything loaded, we were on our way to Elko for the night. Elko was very uneventful and we slept then headed out before 7am the next morning. We hit a little bit of traffic near the ski resorts in Tahoe, but nothing too impressive. In Sacramento, we stopped for lunch and ran to the store to pick up some much needed items (cleaning supplies, trash bags, etc.). From there, it was only about an hour until we reached San Francisco. We started unloading and then had Jeff’s friends Mike, Evy, and Carolyn along with Jeff’s brother Mike and his girlfriend Tanya helping us move everything into our new apartment. It took about two hours to get everything up in the apartment, surely a new record! We put some things away, made the bed and put slipcovers on the couches then went to bed. On Sunday, we both woke up early anxious to finish unpacking. We unpacked all that we could, but needed quite a few things still so we headed to Oakland to Bed, Bath, and Beyond, IKEA, and the grocery store. Once back, everything got put away and the apartment was done! So far, we love it! The apartment is very sunny during the day and quiet at night. Everything that we brought fits perfectly in the apartment. We are close to everything – Union Square, supermarkets, downtown, and work (for Jeff). I know that everything will work out and I am confident that I will find a job soon!
Per il primo del anno, io, Jeff, e la Roberta siamo andati in downtown a Salt Lake City perche’ c’era una festa di capod’anno. Anche se c’era freddo, ci siamo divertiti lo stesso. Abbiamo visto I fuochi d’artificio e abbiamo ascoltato a della musica molto bella. Poi era ora di partire con Jeff per San Francisco. Abbiamo messo tutto dentro al camion e siamo partiti per Elko, Nevada (circa 4 ore da Salt Lake). Arrivati ad Elko, siamo andati a mangiare e poi a letto. Ci siamo svegliati presto e siamo partiti per San Francisco. Il traffico c’era solo a Tahoe dove ci sono le piste da sci. Ci siamo fermati a Sacramento a mangiare e poi siamo tornati nel camion e continuati per San Francisco. Arrivati a San Francisco ci abbiamo messo solo un paio di ore a scaricare tutto perche’ c’era tanta gente che era venuta ad aiutarci. Dopo che abbiamo messo via tutto, dovevamo andare al IKEA a prendere un paio di cose. Quando abbiamo finito tutti I giri, l’appartamento era completo! Ci piace molto la nostra casa perche’ c’e’ tutto a torno. Si puo caminare da per tutto e la zona e’ molto bella! Mi piace molto essere a San Francisco e non vedo l’ora di avere ospiti in casa!
New Year's EVE...................................
Truck Before
View from the street in front of our apartment
Hallway (view from front door)
Bathroom (view from bathroom door)
Bedroom (view from nightstand)
Living Room (view from bay windows)
Kitchen (view from living room)
(C) Giulia Longo 2013. Powered by Blogger.
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