February 1 - 7, 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010
What a week! I did not do a whole lot of anything! I spent this past week studying (I really did!), reading my book (titled The Know-It-All by A.J. Jacobs, really good, almost done), and cooking (made a ton of pork, teriyaki chicken, and pasta). Beyond that, I walked around, a lot, and enjoyed the city. I kept looking for jobs and have some promising leads for this week so hopefully by next week, I will have something new to post about the job search. The one thing that I truly enjoyed about last week were the sunsets. We had so many gorgeous sunsets (I made sure to take lots of pictures) that it was hard not to enjoy them. Then this weekend, Jeff and I went sailing with his parents and had a great time. I forgot to take pictures (very unlike me) and it is too bad because the weather was absolutely wonderful! Before we went sailing though, we went up to our roof and looked out and the view was amazing! Crystal clear and sunny day so the view of the bridge was phenomenal! This week, I am going to attempt to make homemade pizza (the way my parents do) and hopefully find a job! The best part of the week? The Judge Bulldogs (aka where I went to High School and where I coached) had an excellent showing at the 3A State Championships this weekend! The girls WON by 8 points and the boys got 4th place! Congratulations to all!!!!!! Have a wonderful week!

La settimana scorsa non ho fatto molto. Ho caminato molto, ho fatto da mangiare, ho studiato, e ho letto il mio libro. Mi sono divertita, ma mi sono stufata un po' perche' non ho molto da fare. Questo weekend, io e Jeff siamo andati in barca vela con i suoi genitori. Ci siamo divertit molto perch'e c'era un tempo perfetto! Il celo blu e il sole caldo, si stava molto bene. Io sto imparando ad andare in barca e allora mi diverto di piu' ogni volta che andiamo in barca. Questa settimana non ho molto in programma. Ho un paio di colloqui per lavoro e spero cha vadanno bene e che la prossima settimana ho delle noivta'!

The Ferry Building

I liked this because I have a Nonno Enzo

Treats from the Farmer's Market

Hearts on display at Macy's

This one was/is my favorite

Mini park outside of where Jeff works

Tulips are growing!

So pretty!
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