February 8 - 14, 2010
What a crazy week this was! I had something going on every day, it sure made the week go by so fast! On the bright side, I had about 3 interviews last week that all went really well so now I am just waiting to see what happens from those interviews. I spent the week cooking (a lot) and getting ready for Valentine's Day. Jeff and I went all out this year for Valentine's. Since Christmas was so hectic with getting ready to move to San Francisco, we didn't really get a chance to hang out, relax, or enjoy it. So, we decided to go all out for Valentine's. It was worth it! We bought gifts for each other (with each other), he got me some earrings from Tiffany's and I bought him a really nice pair of Lucky Jeans. We went to dinner in Tiburon at Ginza Sushi and it was super tasty! Since we were in Tiburon, we walked around the island after dinner and it was the perfect end to a wonderful night. We went sailing on Monday on the long weekend, but that is on a different post! This week should be just as busy with a few more interviews lined up and more cooking on the schedule! Have a great week!
Questa e' stata una settimana pazzesca! Io ho avuto un colloquio quasi tutti i giorni e adesso devo aspettare per vedere che cosa succede. Per San Valentino, io e Jeff abbiamo fatto un po' di piu' quest'anno. Io li ho regalato un paio di jeans e lui mi ha preso dei orrechini da Tiffany's. Po, per cena, siamo andati a Tiburon (dopo il ponte) per una cena buonissima di sushi. Ci siamo divertiti molto! Lunedi' era una festa e siamo andati in barca vela, pero' quello li sara' un blog diverso!
Fruit Bowl after I went to the Market
Our super tasty Pan-Fried Burgers
Potatoes to go along with our tasty burgers
Valentine Cookies
City and County Building
Sunny day doing boat chores
Homemade Pizza!
Homemade Pizza!
Homemade Pizza!
After dinner on Valentine's
All pictures and content are my own unless stated otherwise. Please do not use my pictures without my prior approval. Thank you!