It seems as though lately, time is flying by! For example, it seems as though it were yesterday that I moved to San Francisco, but here we are almost in June and I have been here for 5 months now. Crazy! Anywho, this past week went well. On Tuesday, I helped Jeff take the boat from Belvedere to KKMI (boat shop) in Oakland/across the bay, and we had a great time. It was very early, but we both were armed with coffee and ready to go! It was more fun than anticipated as we saw a beautiful rainbow, sea lions, dolphins, and even had nice weather. On Saturday, we woke up really early (think 6:30am) and went on a lovely walk over to the Palace of Fine Arts and then back home. It was a very nice walk even though it was early! Simone arrived yesterday (Sunday) and he is here until Wednesday afternoon and we have had a busy day wandering around and shopping! Check back next week for that adventure! In the meantime, have a wonderful week!
Sembra che il tempo passa cosi a la svelta, non me ne rendo mica conto! Questa settimana, ho aiutato a Jeff a portare la barca vela dal mecchanico per le barche. Devono pulire un paio di cose e poi cambiare un paio di cose. Allora, io e Jeff siamo andati martedi' mattino (molto presto) e portarla. Ci siamo divertiti perche' c'era bel tempo e poi abbiamo visto tante cose belle. Sabato siamo andati a fare una lunghissima passeggiata e ci siamo divertiti molto. Ieri, Simone e' arrivato e allora oggi siamo andati in giro per la citta' ed anche a fare un po' di shopping! Buona settimana!
Delivering the Boat across the Bay...........................
Ready to Rock and Roll
Being Dorks
Saturday walk to the Palace of Fine Arts.............................
Tried to get a pic of all the seagulls flying away
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