Pacific Cup 2010 - The End

Monday, July 26, 2010

Yay! The race is over! Jamani finished well, 8th out of 9 in their division and then 34th overall out of 50 or so boats. They beat their time from two years ago so the crew was happy with the end result! No seasickness or complaints of food on board, only complaint was from the fans with regards to their stench (just kidding, but really, not that great smelling of a crew upon arrival!). Us eager fans met them at the Kaneohe Yacht Club ready with champagne, leis, and cameras (at 7am) and the crew was happy to see us! They arrived just as a beautiful rainbow had just disappeared over the water. Once in, many hugs, mai tais, and champagne to go around! Then pictures and cleaning and then off to the house to sleep (where a one Jeff slept until 6am the next day) and then start their Hawaii Vacation! Currently, Jeff and his parents are sailing back to San Francisco. Info on how to track their return below! Enjoy the finish pics and then the Hawaii posts and pictures!

Finalmente! La gara e' finita! Sono andati abastanza bene, sono finiti 8 su 9 nella loro divisione e poi 34 su 50 in totale. Pero', sono finiti in meno tempo che non due anni fa' allora erano molto contenti con il loro tempo. Tutto e' andato bene su la barca, hanno mangiati molto bene e nessuno e' stato male. Erano molto contenti di vedere tutti noi alla fine della gara con champagne (alle 7 del mattino!). In tanto che gli aspettavamo, c'era un bellissimo arco baleno dove stavano per entrare. Era bellissimo! Dopo che sono arrivati e abbiamo scaricato tutto, siamo tornati alla casa cosi' loro si potevanno riposare un po'. Dopo di che, abbiamo avuto una settimana perfetta alle Hawaii! Adesso, Jeff e i suoi genitori stanno tornando in barca (guardate piu' giu' per come seguirli). Dopo ci saranno anche foto delle Hawaii!

Info on How to Track Jamani's Return:
Option #1:
2. Follow the Fleet - Satellite Tracker (REMEMBER FIREFOX OR GOOGLE CHROME ONLY!) Jamani is listed there!
Option #2:
Click here
***Remember that for the tracker, you MUST be using Firefox or Google Chrome***

Rainbow to greet the boat

Coming into the Yacht Club - you can tell it's Jamani because of Jeff's red shorts

A happy crew

Me and Jeff right as he got off the boat
(C) Giulia Longo 2013. Powered by Blogger.
All pictures and content are my own unless stated otherwise. Please do not use my pictures without my prior approval. Thank you!
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