September already! Holy smokes! Well nothing exciting to report (no pictures either). Week went well, work is going well, we finally were under 100% occupancy so that was a nice break. Jeff and I joined (a while back) the Chinatown YMCA that they are about to open in a few weeks. We are very excited about this because (1) it has a pool; (2) it has yoga; and (3) it is cheaper than what I was paying for yoga. A note on the pool they are building. When I called to ask about the cost of joining and other information, the person I talked to was going on about all the great things about it and one of them was that it is a bromine pool and how great it will be to be able to swim in a pool and not smell like chlorine. Now, for those not familiar with pools, chlorine is usually what pools use to stay clean (in a nutshell) and yes, it makes you smell like chlorine, and yes it dries your skin. BUT, a bromine pool? Those are just bad, it's basically a salt-water pool minus the salt. I remember in high school the pool in Cedar City was bromine and we hated swimming there. The taste of the pool is different (not that I drink the pool water, but there is a significant difference). Also, I happen to enjoy the smell of chlorine. I am used to it, I like it. So we shall see how this bromine pool is and go from there. Regardless, Jeff and I are very excited to have a gym close to home that we can go to. I took this week off of work for a little down time at home (both in SF and SLC), and so far, it's been wonderful. I'm cooking, cleaning, running errands, sleeping in, can't wait for the rest of the week! Have a great one!
Settembre di gia'! Il lavoro sta andando bene, siamo finalmente sotto al 100% pieni, ed e molto piu' rilassante andare all'avoro. Io e Jeff ci siamo iscritti a una palestra che aprira' fra un paio di settimane. Siamo molto contenti perche' hanno una piscina, una palestra nuova, e le classe di yoga. E poi, costa molto di meno di quello che pagavo solo per andare a yoga. L'unica cosa e' la piscina. Io sono abituata con una piscina con il chloro. Questa piscina, aparentamente, sara' a base di sale. Non ci sare il sale dentro pero' e' un metodo diverso per pulire l'acqua. A me, personalmente, le piscine in cui sono stata con questo metodo, non mi piacciano molto. Pero', amen, adesso vedremo come'. Va be', io e Jeff siamo contenti di avere una palestra vicino a casa. Io sono in vacanza questa settimana e sono molto contenta di essere a casa (sia a San Francisco che a Salt Lake) e di gia' ho gia' fatto da mangiare, pulito, e dormito fino a tardi! Buona settimana!
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