Un altra settimana senza foto! Niente di molto bello e' successo questa settimana, solo lavoro, andando a scuola, e lavorando in cucina! Era il compleanno di una mia amica e siamo andati a fare una passeggiata "haunted." E' stata bella e non molto spaventosa (menomale!) e abbiamo imparato molto della storia della citta'. Domenica, io ho fatto una cena per lei molto buona! Ho fatto il salmone (ricetta della mamma), pasta con il mio pesto, insalata, e macedonia. Era una cena perfetta! La settimana scorsa, io e Jeff abbiamo anche cominciato ad andare a nuotare. La palestra in cui siamo membri ha una piscina con una "squadra" di nuoto per gente che si vuole allenare insieme. Ci piace molto e speriamo di andarci tutte le settimane! Buona settimana!
October 11 - 17, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Another week goes by with no pictures! Nothing terribly exciting, just working, volunteering, and cooking! It was my friend Hannah's birthday over the weekend and we went on a haunted walking tour of the Haight/Ashbury neighborhood. It was pretty interesting, not very scary, but there was a lot of history that our guide talked about which was fun. On Sunday, I cooked her a birthday feast (see "Cooking with Giulia" blog) which turned out excellent! Also last week, Jeff and I started swimming. There is a Masters swim program at the YMCA that we belong to and we have started going. I was going to go today, but it was/is very cold outside so I was lazy and opted to stay inside my warm apartment! The swimming is going well despite the fact that neither Jeff nor I are in swimming shape. But I feel that slowly, as we keep going, we will regain our stroke! Nothing too exciting in the week ahead! It's cooled off here in the Bay so we are staying bundled up! Have a great week!
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