Ever since I was a little girl, a tradition a few weeks before Christmas is Santa Lucia. Santa Lucia (St. Lucy) arrives on the night of December 12 and leaves small presents by shoes that children leave out. Usually, these are small gifts such as movies, CD's, clothes, chocolates, etc. As a little girl, I loved Santa Lucia because it was like have two Christmases! Even as my brother and I were older, my parents still kept the tradition alive and Santa Lucia kept bringing us presents. This year, since it was just me and Jeff, I decided to keep the tradition alive. We left our shoes out on December 12 and on the 13th, there were presents by them! Santa Lucia brought Jeff a wallet and a stove-top grill pan and she brought me a multi-chopper and some new Christmas dish towels. It was fun to share this family tradition with Jeff and I can't wait for next year!
Da quando ero piccola, una tradizione che c'era in casa mia era quella di Santa Lucia. Santa Lucia arriva la sera del 12 dicembre e porta dei regali piccoli per i bambini che lasciano le scarpe vicino l'albero. Di solito sono dei regali tipo DVD, CD, cioccolato, o cose simile. Da piccola, mi piaceva molto Santa Lucia perche' era come avere due natali! Quest'anno, visto che c'eravamo solo io e Jeff, ho deciso di fare Santa Lucia. Abbiamo messo fuori le scarpe e il mattino del 13, c'erano dei regali! Jeff ha preso un portafoglio e una pentola per fare il barbecue sulla stufa. Io ho preso un affare che mi taglia i vegetali e degli strofinaci natalizi. Era molto divertente fare Santa Lucia con Jeff e non vedo l'ora di farlo ancora il prossimo anno!
The blue box for Jeff and then the khaki box for me!