Off to the Horse Races!

Monday, March 28, 2011
About a week ago, my friend Hannah and her boyfriend Kyle invited Jeff and I to the horse races at Golden Gate Field in Oakland. Jeff and I had never been to the horse races and we had no idea what to expect. We went on a Sunday because on Sundays, everything is a dollar. $1 tickets, $1 hotdogs, $1 beers, and $1 bets. It's pretty amazing. So anyways, we got there and then the fun began! We started placing bets (only $1 or $2) and got some seats. It was the first Sunday in a while that it wasn't raining so we were happy to be outside. The races were so fast! They only take a minute or so and then there is about 30-40 minutes in between each race. Now, there are other races going on at other tracks and you can bet on those races too. It's quite confusing! We still didn't quite understand the rules at the end, but Jeff and I (well, mostly Jeff) ended up ahead, so we were happy! In the end, we had so much fun and can't wait to go back and cheer on the horses!
Quasi una settimana fa', io e Jeff, con un'altra coppia, siamo andati a vedere le gare dei cavalli. Era la prima volta che io e Jeff eravamo andati a vedere una gara. Ci siamo divertiti molto perche' visto che era domenica, tutto era un dollaro! $1 per biglietti, $1 per gli hot dog, $1 per una birra, e $1 per giocare! Ci siamo divertiti molto vedendo tutte le gare! L'unica cosa e' che le gare non durano molto (meno di un minuto) e poi c'e' d'aspettare trenta o quaranta minuti tra una gara e l'altra. Pero' era bello perche' ci sono tante gara in altri posti in cui te puoi mettere giu' dei soldi. Praticamente, uno puo passare tutto il giorno guardando mille gare di cavalli. Beh, alla fine, io e Jeff siamo finiti con un paio di soldi in piu' di quelli con cui abbiamo cominciato. Ci siamo divertiti molto e non veddiamo l'ora di andarci ancora!

Nothing to do with horses, but I made a super tasty Shrimp Scampi with Linguine this week

Golden Gate Fields.......................................................

Horses warming up

Off they go!!


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