Some Catching Up!

Monday, June 27, 2011
I’m back! There’s a lot to talk about and share so I’ll split it into two posts to keep it exciting! The first post I should have posted two weeks ago, but oh well! One night for dinner, we were thinking about what to make and I thought of a pasta that my aunt had taught me ages ago! The name of the pasta is Crudaiola (recipe on Cooking with Giulia) and it is a perfect summer pasta!

Sono tornata! C’e’ molto da dire ed allora lo faro’ in due parti. La prima parte la dovevo scrivere un paio di settimane fa, pero’ amen. Una sera per cena, stavo pensando a cosa fare e mi e’ venuta in mente una pasta che mi ha insegnato a fare mia Zia. Il nome della pasta e’ la crudaiola ed e’ una pasta perfetta per l’estate! E’ molto leggera e poi tutto e’ fresco ed allora e’ proprio perfetta!

Since we were staying in the summer mode, I had printed almost all of my Tahiti pictures (yes, all 600 of them!) and they were just sitting on our coffee table. I finally made it to Vera Bradley to get some new photo albums (needed 3 just for Tahiti!) and in they went! I love having the photo albums because even though I have all the pictures on my computer and on my blog, it’s fun to have them printed as well.

Parlando dell’estate, io avevo stampato quasi tutte le mie foto di Tahiti (si, tutte 600!) ed erano li sul tavolino in sala. Sono finalmente andata a prendere degli album per metterci le foto. Mi piace avere gli album perche’, anche se ho gia’ tutte le foto sul mio computer e sul blog, stampate sono belle.

Jeff sailed in the Coastal Cup from San Francisco to Catalina (just outside Los Angeles) and while he was gone, I thought I would make him a treat for his return. I had found a recipe online for a marble cake loaf and thought that was perfect! Luckily the recipe I found was with Nutella and knowing how much Jeff likes Nutella, I thought it would be perfect! The pound cake turned out so yummy! It was also fun to slice it because each slice had a different pattern with the two different batters.

Jeff ha fatto una regata da San Francisco fino a Catalina (vicino a Los Angeles) e, intanto che era via, ho pensato di fargli un dolcetto per quando tornava. Avevo trovato una ricetta per una specie di pane dolce con la nutella. Visto che a Jeff piace la Nutella l’ho fatto! E’ venuto molto buono e poi bello perche ogni volta che si tagliava una fetta c’era un disegno diverso in mezzo.

While Jeff and I were at the grocery store recently, I spotted some slider buns. We immediately grabbed them and started thinking of what we could make. The first thing we made were BBQ pork sliders that were super tasty. Then we decided to make mini-burgers. They turned out so good! Jeff has mastered the art of grilling indoors and these burgers were just perfect! Can’t wait to make them again!

Intanto che io e Jeff eravamo al mercato, abbiamo visto del pane per fare gli hamburger piccoli. Li abbiamo presi e abbiamo cominciato subito a pensare a cose da fare! Come prima cosa, li abbiamo fatti con il maiale in salsa al barbeque. Poi ci siamo fatti dei mini hamburgers. Sono venuti buonissimi! Jeff e’ diventato molto bravo a grigliare in casa senza la griglia!

On Tuesday night, Jeff and I went to the Giants game because the Hilton had bought some tickets and were selling them cheap to employees. There was a tailgate before that was a lot of fun and then there was the game. Unfortunately, in the first inning, the Twins scored 8 runs. They went through their entire batting order. It was not pretty. Needless to say, we did not stay the entire game. Although the Giants lost, we still had a great time!

Martedi’ sera siamo andati alla partita dei Giants perche l’ Hilton aveva preso dei biglietti a molto poco! C’era una festa prima dove c’era da mangiare eda bere. L’unica cosa e’ stata che nei primi 15 minuti, l’altra squadra ha fatto 8 punti! Non era molto bello per noi! Anche se abbiamo perso di molto, ci siamo divertiti lo stesso!

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