
Saturday, September 24, 2011
I went and had my haircut the other day. For those that don't know, a little background. I have always had short hair, shoulder-length. Leslie is the only person that can cut my hair. I flat-out REFUSE to let anyone else touch it. She has been cutting my hair (and my mom's) for the past 9 years. When I moved to San Francisco, I decided to let my hair grow out because I did not want to find someone else to cut it. When I would come to Salt Lake to visit, I would go and see Leslie and she would cut it. She is the only person who has cut my hair in the past 9 years. She is amazing. Now, I actually enjoy my longer hair and for now, it will stay long. The pictures don't really do the cut justice because you can't see the layers and whatnot, but you get the idea. Nothing too different, but since I'm all about the blog now, thought I'd share pictures!

Sono andata a farmi tagliare i cappelli l'altro giorno. Per quelli che non sanno, un po' di storia. Io ho sempre avuto cappelli corti, praticamente, che arrivano alle spalle. La Leslie e' l'unica che puo tagliare i miei cappelli. Io non lascio NESSUNO toccarli. Sono gia' 9 anni che taglia i miei cappelli (e quelli della mamma). Quando mi sono spostata a San Francisco, ho deciso di lasciare crescere i cappelli perche' non volevo andare da nessuno d'altro. Quando venivo a Salt Lake per visitare, andavo dalla Leslie che megli tagliava. E' bravissima. Adesso, mi piacciono i cappelli lunghi, e per adesso li tengo. Le foto non fanno vedere tutto il taglio, perche' non si vede tutto, pero' un po' si vede!


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