San Giovanni

Wednesday, June 26, 2013
June 23 is the feast day of San Giovanni (St. John). It is tradition in Parma, and in that area, to eat  tortelli d'erbette. Luckily for me, they are one of my favorite dishes! Last year, I was in Italy for this and this year I was at home. My mom had already made the tortelli and I ate quite a few! This tradition for me, truly symbolizes the start of the summer with cool nights and longer days.
Il 23 di giugno e' la festa di San Giovanni. E' tradizionale a Parma di mangiare i tortelli d'erbette. Quei tortelli sono i miei preferiti allora io cerco di mangiarli sempre! L'anno scorso era gia in Italia e quest'anno ero a casa. La mamma aveva gia' fatto i tortelli ed io ne ho mangiati tantissimi!! Per me, questa festa significa il vero inizio dell'estate con le giornate piu' lunghe e le serate fresche. 

The spread

Delicious cake that my mom made

The moon was enormous that night!

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