Christmas 2013

Sunday, January 5, 2014
A little behind on the posts, but better late than never! I went home to Salt Lake for Christmas and met my dad in Vegas. We toured the gorgeous Bellagio Conservatory.
Sono un po' in dietro, pero' meglio in ritardo che niente! Sono andata a casa per Natale e ho preso su il papa' a Las Vegas. Siamo andati a vedere i giardini del Bellagio che sono sempre molto belli!

Made it home!
Arrivati a casa!

On Christmas Eve, we went up to the condo in Park City. It was lovely waking up in the mountains!
Per la vigilia, siamo andati su a Park City. Era molto bello svegliarsi in montagna!

Back at home, Santa came!
In dietro a casa, Babbo Natale e' arrivato!

My brother was dog-sitting Ace, a great Dane


Panettone dalla San Biagio - SO good and I don't usually
like panettone

My parents took us to dinner da Valter one night

Christmas lunch with friends!
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