Coffee at Luke's

Wednesday, November 16, 2016
When Gilmore Girls was on TV, I watched it every week. I loved watching Lorelei and Rory and the different adventures they got into. Then, they cancelled the show. Thank heavens for Netflix! In 9 days (!), Netflix will release four hour-long episodes of Gilmore Girls that picks up where the last season ended. In honor of this, they sponsored coffee shops all over the country to turn into Luke's Diner for a morning. There was one pretty close to my house so, I went. They gave out free coffee and the baristas were all decked out in Luke's clothing. It made me that much more excited for the new episodes next week!
Quando Una Mamma Per Amica era in televisione, io l'ho guardato sempre. Mi piacevono la Lorelei e sua figlia Rory. Poi, hanno cancellato la serie, e si potevano solo vedere con Netflix. Pero', fra 9 giorni, Netflix mettere fuori 4 puntate nuove che cominciano dove la serie televisiva ha smesso. Allora, per fare piu' attenzione alle nuove puntate, Netlifx ha sponsorizzato dei bar come Luke's Diner (che e' il bar nella serie). C'era uno vicino a casa mia allora ci sono andata. Davano via cafe' ed era decorato come Luke's Diner.

Cafe Virtuoso turned into Luke's Diner

Just like Luke's!

Cup with a quote!

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