I Went Camping?

Saturday, September 29, 2018
As I am sure many of you know, I don't camp. I mean, I enjoy the outdoors and hiking and all that. But sleeping in a tent outside? Thanks, but I'll be at the closest motel/hotel. BUT. I'm happy to report that I did in fact go camping, slept in a tent (two nights mind you), and actually had a great time.
Come sapete, io non sono una che va in campeggio. Si, mi piace andare fuori e caminare e fare delle cose fuori. Pero', a dormire in una tenda? No, grazie. Pero'! L'ho fatto! Per due sere! E mi sono anche divertita!

It was a group of about 9 friends and we headed up to Palomar Mountain for a weekend of hiking and s'mores. The spot we were camping in was gorgeous - surrounded by trees and lots of different birds.
Sono andata in campeggio con 9 amici e siamo andati al Monte Palomar. Il posto in cui abbiamo messo la tenda era molto bello con tanti alberi, silenzio, e ucelli.

Tent! Thanks to Alison and Brandon for having all things camping related!

Beautiful birds!

Saturday morning we went on a hike around the mountain. It was a bit steeper than we anticipated, but the colors were gorgeous!
Sabato mattina siamo andati a fare una passeggiata. Era un po' piu' ripida di quello che volevamo, pero' c'erano tanti colori che di solito non si vedono a San Diego.


We also headed up (in a car, too far to walk from where we were camping) to see the Palomar Observatory. Probably my favorite part of this trip was seeing the stars at night. The nights were so clear and the skies were so saturated with stars, it was truly stunning.
Siamo andati in macchina a vedere l'osservatorio. La mia parte preferita era quando andavamo a vedere le stelle di sera. C'era il cielo pieno pieno pieno di stelle.

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