COVID Adventures : Keeping Busy

Monday, June 15, 2020
Probably the biggest struggle for me has been finding things to do to stay busy. I'm so used to having a million and ten things going on, that being forced to slow down was a HUGE change. I immediately ordered a couple of puzzles so that Andy and I could work on them throughout the day.
La cosa piu' difficile per me era trovare cosa per stare occupata durante questo tempo. Sono cosi' abbituata ad avere tante cose da fare che stare a casa a fare poco non era facile. Ho comprato subito dei puzzle che cosi' io e Andy li potevamo fare durante la giornata.

The reality of teaching at home for 7 weeks kicked in and an easel was needed. I met with my kiddos three times a week for about an hour. One of those hours was focused on reviewing math, so the easel was really helpful!
Con la scuola, abbiamo fatto 7 settimane di classe in casa. Ho visto i miei bimbi tre volte a la settimana per circa un ora (poi avevano compiti da fare). Una de le ore abbiamo fatto matematica, allora questa cavalletta era molto utile! 

Gus survived the work going on in my place! Since the first few weeks were pretty chilly, he got a new vest. 
Gus ha sopportato I lavori che c'erano in casa. Le prime settimane erano fredde allora ha preso un golf nuovo. 

When they were doing the main demo, we took a drive up to Julian. 
In tanto che stavano facendo il piu' grosso del lavoro, siamo andati a fare un giro in macchina in montagna. 

The balcony is a great spot to work out because there is another balcony under, so I don't feel bad jumping. 
Ho scoperto che il blacone e' perfetto per fare esercizi perche' c'e un'altro balcone sotto. Cosi' non mi sento in colpa quando salto su e giu'. 

Easter Zoom! 
Zoom per Pasqua!

Andy has an X-Box and I realized that my favorite game from when I was a kid, Crash Bandicoot Warped, was on the X-Box so he got it. Turns out, I was MUCH better when I was a kid, but it's still a ton of fun to play. 
Andy ha una X-Box e uno dei giochi quando ero piccola c'e' su la X-Box. Non e' esattamente come me ricordo, pero' mi diverto comunque. 

New Toys!

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