Home Updates: Fall!

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

I have LOVED decorating my home for fall. I don't usually do much because Halloween is not my jam, but I'm all about fall colors. 

Una cosa che mi fa felice e decorare per l'autunno, natale, etc. Anche se non mi piace Halloween, le cose autunnali mi piacciono. 

This isn't a fall decor, but a friend's boyfriend is a photographer and he took this picture of the sun setting under Scripps Pier. I loved it so much that I bought it and framed it. Working on getting more things on the walls!
Questa non e' una cosa autunnale, pero' il boyfriend di una mia amica e' un fotografo. Ha fatto questa foto stupenda, allora l'ho comprata e messa in cornice. Piano piano, appendo dei quadri e foto.

New mirror by the front door!

Fun floral arrangement from Trader Joe's

New barstools

New rug! Gus has already peed on it. Twice. 🙈
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