Graeagle 2021

Monday, September 6, 2021

 Similar to last year, this summer we headed up towards Graeagle to spend time with Andy's family. We stopped in Monterey on the way up via Big Sur. The views were stunning.

Come l'anno scorso, siamo andati a Graeagle per passare un po' di tempo con i nonni di Andy. Ci siamo fermati a Monterey una sera e anche a Big Sur. Le viste meritano molto.

On the drive to Graeagle, we listened to the World Cup final WHERE ITALY WON!
L'Italia ha vinto I mondiali!!!! Abbiamo ascoltato la partita per strada. 

Our days were spent hiking and just lounging. It was the perfect way to end summer.
Passavamo le giornate in camminate e a fare niente. Era una settimana perfetta. 

The main road in Graeagle

Lots of pool time

Until next time Graeagle!
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