November 2022 - Thanksgiving and Misc.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

November was a blur as all the months seem to be. We got some rain, so Gus got a chance to wear his raincoat.

Novembre e' passato velocemente come tutti I mesi ultimamente. E' piovuto allora ho messo l'impermeabile a Gus.

Our lemon tree exploded with tasty lemons.
Il nostro albero di limoni ha prodottto! 


Simone came down for Thanksgiving so we went out and about in North Park.
Simone e' venuto giu' per Thanksgiving allora siamo andati in giro a North Park.

Torta de le rose

Thanksgiving at the Marschinke's complete with Tom the Turkey.
Thanksgiving a casa de la Christina e Craig con il tacchino! 

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